Movie Review: IT (2017)

I guess by now I am an expert on It, I even read It way before It was cool. The book creeped me out thoroughly over 20 years ago, helped by me reading it at a remote vacation spot, away from the safety of crowds.… Read the rest

Television Review: Orange is the New Black (Season 1 & 2)

Orange-is-the-New-Black-1It seems rare, unfortunately, that a quality tv series is aimed primarily at women without feeding into gender stereotypes. Of course, there are plenty of series aimed at a general audience whose lead happens to be a woman. But the pickings get slim if you look for something substantial with a primarily female cast, where the drama doesn’t revolve around men.… Read the rest

Movie Review: The Hunger Games

The The Hunger Games franchise consists of a trilogy of young-adult books, which are being made into a quadrology of films over the next couple of years. The first chapter has already passed through cinemas and features an odd central concept: a bunch of kids is forced to kill each other until only one survives.… Read the rest

Book Review: Keith and the Girl’s What do We do Now?

For all your rude but effective relationship advice

There’s a new relationship guide on the market and it has a bit of an attitude, as the subtitle indicates: smart answers to your stupid relationship questions. Not for those devoid of a sense of humour, clearly.Read the rest

Book Review: Gay Travels in the Muslim World

Gay identity is denied in most Muslim countries. That there are men and women within those areas who primarily love people of their own gender is a biological certainty. But most of them would not label themselves ‘gay’ or ‘lesbian’, they would see the attraction as just one small aspect of themselves that they try to fit into their lives while adhering to what is expected of them by friends and – especially – family.Read the rest

Book Review: Wishful Drinking -Toasting Princess Leia

Carrie Fisher bares not-quite all in a funny memoir

Carrie Fisher’s life was always an autobiography waiting to happen. As the daughter of the eccentric Debbie Reynolds – of Singing in the Rain fame, among many other roles – and singer Eddie Fisher, she grew up in a Hollywood family under great public scrutiny.Read the rest
