Game Review: Brothers – a tale of two sons (PC)

Brothers 2 popcultjunkBrothers – a tale of two sons, is a beautiful-looking puzzle-platformer that tells an emotional, bittersweet story. It is like a fairytale as told by the Brothers Grimm, with an unexpected sting and darkness to offset the blissful bits with butterflies and bunnies.… Read the rest

Game Review: Gone Home (PC)

Gone_HomeIn Gone Home, you play a girl who comes home to the new house that her sister and parents moved into, while she was touring Europe for a year. It’s a little after midnight, there is a thunderstorm and no one is around.… Read the rest

Game Review: The Stanley Parable (PC)


Filter Kafka through the sensibilities of Douglas Adams and you might end up with something like The Stanley Parable. It is not so much a game as a bewildering tree of short stories to explore, all featuring the same main character and all circling the themes of free will and purpose, while lampooning videogame mechanics.… Read the rest

Game Review: Device 6 (iOs)

IMG_0703Device 6 is a piece of interactive storytelling – a text-based puzzler – for your mobile device. It has been getting high marks on Metacritic and deservedly so, although there is a touch of hype to it. You follow along with someone named Alice.… Read the rest
