Movie Review: Kong – Skull Island (2017)

Kong – Skull Island is a pleasing package that gives people who enjoy this kind of film exactly what they want to see. Witness King Kong fighting helicopters as well as big monsters and witness him lifting up a puny woman in his massive hand.… Read the rest

Television Review: Marvel – Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Season 1)

marvels-agents-of-shield-posterConsidering that Marvel – Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. takes places mostly on a plane, it’s ironic that it took the series sixteen episodes to finally achieve lift off. It had a very slow start indeed. Had it been any other television newcomer and not such an important part in Marvel’s overall media strategy, it would likely have been culled fairly soon.… Read the rest

Movie Review: Captain America – The Winter Soldier

captainamericaposterLike Superman, Captain America is a tricky character to make interesting. As conceived, they both stand for moral absolutes. In Cap’s case, for ‘truth, justice and the American Way’ though thankfully, that last part isn’t overly emphasized. The second (semi) solo movie handles Cap very well, throwing the ultimate Good Guy into a conspiracy thriller and making him have to doubt the morals of everyone around him.… Read the rest
