Game Review: Rise of the Tomb Raider (PC, 2016)

20160625232905_1Lara Croft has it tough. Not only does she have some serious parental issues, but also a lot of her friends end up in mortal peril and/or turn Evil. The mystical artifacts she unearths tend to get lost in some cataclysmic event that she barely escapes with her life.… Read the rest

Game Review: Uncharted 1 and 2 (PS3)

500x_uncharted_2_npd.jpgThe Uncharted and Tomb Raider games owe a lot to each other and to Indiana Jones. With a small tweak to their back-story, Nathan Drake and Lara Croft could easily be revealed to be Dr. Jones’ grandchildren. They are ancient artifact-chasing adventurers who spend an inordinate amount of time climbing around giant rooms activating very complex mechanisms that somehow didn’t break down despite being inactive for centuries.Read the rest