Book Review: Raumstation Sehnsücht

Konrad-und-Paul--Raumstation-SehnsuchtI really like the comics of Ralf König. The drawings are charming, the dialogues range from funny to hilarious and his books show the – maybe surprising – amount of humor woven into everyday spoken German.

Most of König’s work has a gay sensibility to it, painting a comedic picture of gay guys. … Read the rest

Television Review: Galavant (Season 1)

galavant_612x816Galavant cranks the silly levels all the way up to eleven. Think The Princess Bride mixed with the musical bits from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. If in public, it is best watched with headphones on or with tipsy friends.… Read the rest

Movie Review: Oculus vs. The Babadook

20140310_Oculus_642xVariableHorror movies thrive on ambiguity. They want to keep you on your guard, not just uncertain about what is going to happen, but often also uncertain about what is actually happening. A good horror movie twists and surprises, not just with a cheap jump scares, but also by turning the plot in an unexpected direction.… Read the rest

Movie Review: Lucy

lucy-scarlett-johansson-posterIn Lucy, Scarlett Johansson drops down a rabbit hole of silly pseudo-science as innocent bystanders die left and right, unmourned by her or the men pursuing her. This being a Luc Besson movie, there are – of course – also French policemen and there is a car chase.… Read the rest

Television Review: Orange is the New Black (Season 1 & 2)

Orange-is-the-New-Black-1It seems rare, unfortunately, that a quality tv series is aimed primarily at women without feeding into gender stereotypes. Of course, there are plenty of series aimed at a general audience whose lead happens to be a woman. But the pickings get slim if you look for something substantial with a primarily female cast, where the drama doesn’t revolve around men.… Read the rest

Movie Review: The Hobbit – The Battle of the Five Armies (3D-HFR)

The-Hobbit-Battle-of-the-Five-Armies-posterThe Battle of the Five Armies is the last and the least of Peter Jackson’s six Middle-earth movies, but it is still pretty good. The element of surprise is long gone, the movie delivering just more of the same. The po-faced, serious dramatic scenes are on occasion more giggle-worthy here than I remember them being in previous entries.… Read the rest

Movie Review: The Conjuring

The Conjuring PosterThe Conjuring is a nicely old-fashioned ‘haunted house’ horror movie that mostly relies on classic elements, like creaking doors that move by themselves and eerie noises drifting through the hallways of a spooky house. Ghostly jump-scares are initially limited to the background.… Read the rest

Game Review: Vanquish (360, 2010)

Vanquish2_fullI enjoy a good story. Even in my video games, though a game is not the best medium for a carefully crafted tale. It’s helpful if you actually care about the characters, your alter-ego especially, and are curious about what will happen next.… Read the rest
