Movie Review: This is the End

This-Is-The-EndThis is the End seems to be an in-joke between a group of comedic actors. In the movie, these actors play themselves, sort of. That is to say, James Franco plays an actor named James Franco, Seth Rogen an actor named Seth Rogen and so on.… Read the rest

Movie Review: World War Z

world-war-z-posterWorld War Z is based on a very interesting book with the same title, though the movie actually has nothing in common with its literary namesake except for that title. It stars producer/actor Brad Pitt as the savior of humanity. He springs into action when there is a lethal global outbreak.… Read the rest

Movie Review: A Good Day to Die Hard

agooddaytodiehardThe horribly-titled A Good Day to Die Hard, reintroduces us to John McClane as a grumpy old coot. Right at the start, he loses sympathy for setting into motion the problems he then needs to solve. Admittedly, seeing how the plot twists around, things would have turned out worse if he had not intervened, but that’s happenstance.… Read the rest

Television Review: Dexter Series Finale (spoilers)

dexter2After eight seasons – one or two of which we could have done without – Dexter is done. The controversial final episode ditches the dark humor that typified the series and goes for something bleak and existential. Unlike a lot of people, I can appreciate what the writers were trying to do.… Read the rest

Game Review: Uncharted 3 (PS3)

Uncharted3 GOTYNathan Drake has a flair for the dramatic. If he enters a mode of transport, you can bet it will soon be crashing, burning, exploding, sinking or any of those combined. You do not want to commute with this guy. He also is good at setting off events he caused seemingly by just being around.… Read the rest

Rambling Comic Book Review: X-Factor (2005-2013)

xfactor1Getting to write for a superhero-comic for DC or Marvel must be a mixed blessing. The perks are clear, being a steady salary and a certain level of almost guaranteed sales. You’ll likely be playing around with already established characters who have a group of dedicated followers.… Read the rest

Television Review: Vicious

vicious-3409650Vicious is a British sitcom, and it appears to be a treat that the main players gave themselves. These veterans of the stage clearly enjoy their roles. Sir Ian McKellen reportedly didn’t like all the blue-screen special-effects acting he had to do for his role as Gandalf, so it must feel great for him to get back to basics, in something closely resembling a play.… Read the rest

Game Review: BioShock Infinite (PC)

jbioshock-infinite-pc-cover-avant-g-1354632827The BioShock franchise has abandoned its waterlogged roots to explore a city improbably floating around high in the sky. You (Booker DeWitt) arrive there to track down a girl. You only know you have to take her back down with you to make up for some unspecified debt.… Read the rest

Game Review: Journey (PS3)

journey-a-ps3-masterpieceI sat down planning to just have a quick look at Journey before doing something else and ended up finishing it in one sitting. It is both that interesting and that short. Journey is not so much a game as it is an experience and like the title suggests, it is not so much about the destination as it is about how you get there.… Read the rest

Movie Review: Star Trek – Into Darkness

Star Trek Into Darkness PosterI really admired J.J. Abraham’s first movie from the Star Trek reboot. He needed to find a way to keep a rabidly dedicated and deeply critical existing fan base happy while trying to revitalize the Star Trek universe for a new generation, with new actors.… Read the rest
