Game Review: Brothers – a tale of two sons (PC)

Brothers 2 popcultjunkBrothers – a tale of two sons, is a beautiful-looking puzzle-platformer that tells an emotional, bittersweet story. It is like a fairytale as told by the Brothers Grimm, with an unexpected sting and darkness to offset the blissful bits with butterflies and bunnies.… Read the rest

Game Review: Gone Home (PC)

Gone_HomeIn Gone Home, you play a girl who comes home to the new house that her sister and parents moved into, while she was touring Europe for a year. It’s a little after midnight, there is a thunderstorm and no one is around.… Read the rest

Game Review: The Stanley Parable (PC)


Filter Kafka through the sensibilities of Douglas Adams and you might end up with something like The Stanley Parable. It is not so much a game as a bewildering tree of short stories to explore, all featuring the same main character and all circling the themes of free will and purpose, while lampooning videogame mechanics.… Read the rest

Game Review: Device 6 (iOs)

IMG_0703Device 6 is a piece of interactive storytelling – a text-based puzzler – for your mobile device. It has been getting high marks on Metacritic and deservedly so, although there is a touch of hype to it. You follow along with someone named Alice.… Read the rest

Movie Review: Pacific Rim

245941id1b_PacRim_1sided_120x180_2p_400.inddYou can’t accuse Pacific Rim of not delivering on its core concept. You will indeed be seeing giant mechanoids battle giant monsters and lay waste to buildings as they do so. Most of the fights take place partly obscured by darkness.… Read the rest

Game Review: Far Cry 3 – Blood Dragon (PC)

Far Cry 3 - Blood DragonFar Cry: Blood Dragon is a love letter to the eighties and more specifically to that decade’s magnificently cheesy science-fiction and action movies. Someone savvy at production company Ubisoft, decided to use the basic building blocks of Far Cry 3 and to repurpose them, giving them a fresh lick of paint.… Read the rest

Movie Review: Weekend

weekend posterWeekend is a happy exception to the rule that most low-budget gay-themed movies are mediocre. They tend to feature a level of acting only just above that of porn, lots of earnest talking, melodramatics and some mild to heavy petting if you’re lucky.… Read the rest

Movie Review: Man of Steel

man-of-steel-posterOh boy, someone really missed the point of Superman. And admittedly, Superman is one of the trickiest superheroes to get right. He is an overpowered goody-two-shoes, an ideal rather than a multi-faceted character. He is someone iconic, his morals beyond reproach and he is so near invincible that very little poses an actual threat to him.… Read the rest

Movie Review: Gravity

gravity-posterI went to see Gravity knowing little more about the plot than what the trailer told me. I knew to go see it in 3D, as apparently it was one of very few movies that does 3D well. It was actually shot for it, instead of the 3D having been hastily tacked on to the finished product.… Read the rest

Game Review: Far Cry 3 (PC)

fc3In Far Cry 3 you play a spoilt little rich brat, who drops down the rabbit hole. That is, if you go by the Alice in Wonderland theme that the game is not too subtle about. In more literal terms, he (Jason) drops down onto a tropical island.… Read the rest
