Game Review: Saints Row IV (PC)

SaintsRowIV coverThe Saints Row franchise has been detaching itself from reality more and more, putting distance between it and the (relatively speaking) more grounded Grand Theft Auto games. After the generally cray-cray Saints Row: The Third, the question was how much further Volition – the main company behind the games – was willing to push the madness.… Read the rest

Game Review: The Room Two (iOs)

The Room 2If you have even the remotest interest in puzzles, run to the nearest mobile device and download The Room 1 and/or 2. Both are beautiful-looking puzzlers in which you find yourself in one creepy room after another. In each space, you spin the camera around one or more objects that need to be studied closely.… Read the rest

Game Review: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies (3DS)

Dual DestiniesPhoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies doesn’t change the series’ formula, but it does upgrade the presentation and fine-tune the gameplay a little. There are now 3D anime scenes scattered throughout to liven things up, the character animations are more refined and the locations are 3D diorama’s with subtle movements in the background. … Read the rest

Game Review: Botanicula (PC)

Botanicula_coverBotanicula manages to be massively cute without feeling saccharine. Its art is amazing and the sounds – mostly people mouthing sound effects in silly voices – are equally good. Its world feels like a picture-book for kids and the story is sweet and sincere.… Read the rest

Game Review: Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (DS)

apollo-justice-ace-attorney-coverI just finished Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, which follows the original Phoenix Wright trilogy (which I review here). I can’t think of another game franchise of which I have finished four entries, so something about the Ace Attorney series must really appeal to me.… Read the rest

Game Review: To the Moon (PC)

To-the-Moon coverIn To The Moon, you play a duo of scientists who have been summoned to the house of a dying man to grant him a last wish. He wants to go to the moon before he passes. Not for real, but in his mind.… Read the rest

Game Review: The Last of Us (PS3)

Last of Us Cover PS3The Last of Us pushes the elderly Playstation 3 to its fullest potential. The graphics are detailed and impressive, bringing to mind Uncharted 3. This shouldn’t really surprise, as the two games were made by the same company: Naughty Dog.… Read the rest

Game Review: Brothers – a tale of two sons (PC)

Brothers 2 popcultjunkBrothers – a tale of two sons, is a beautiful-looking puzzle-platformer that tells an emotional, bittersweet story. It is like a fairytale as told by the Brothers Grimm, with an unexpected sting and darkness to offset the blissful bits with butterflies and bunnies.… Read the rest
